Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas, Family & Friends!

A common theme that has been running through my mind all year is the importance of relationships. While God does hold us accountable as individuals in our connection with His Son, he looks at us as groups in ways that are foreign to those of us in western society. God set the stage in Eden for families by declaring, "It is not good for man to be alone." He then gave Adam what he knew he would need: Family. Years later God blessed all the families of the earth through the faith of one man, Abraham. Throughout the Old Testament we see him relating to the family, the nation, of Abraham's grandson Jacob (Israel). Generations of people were blessed by this association.

Centuries passed. And when the time was perfect God sent His own Son in a wrapping of human skin. He wanted to make a way for us to experience the righteousness that belonged to members of His family through relationship with this Person who came to us as a baby. Chris Rice sings,

"Fragile fingers sent to heal us,
Tender brow prepared for thorns,

Tiny heart whose blood will save us,

Unto us is born..."

From His birth, Jesus was on a mission. Two thousand years later we still marvel at the wonder of this plan. In Christ, we can join the family of God and enjoy all the privileges and blessings that entails. My favorite verse this year, one I have adopted as our family verse and emblazoned on a plaque by our back door is this:

"From Everlasting to Everlasting the Lord's mercy is on those who fear Him. His righteousness belongs to their children and grandchildren." Psalm 103:17

Unto us is born...a Savior who can connect us to an everlasting Father who is full of mercy and goodwill toward men, who can bring peace to our troubled times and hearts. I wish you JOY this season and hope that only God can give.

Much love to you and yours--

Dawn and family