Saturday, October 27, 2012

Why I Love Facebook

-Reading my news feed is like reading the local paper trimmed down to those things that interest me the most. When else in life can you "customize your friends?"
-It enhances my connection with my favorite people (those I see all the time and still can't get enough of) with as many details/photos/videos as they'll post.
-It enables me to stay connected with sweet people from my past all over the country and beyond that I would not otherwise have any contact with. It makes my world bigger and richer.
-I can go to weddings, reunions, and other random events and recognize people I haven't seen in years. And, since I know the latest that's happening in their lives, I don't feel awkward approaching them.
-I know my children's friends by face, by "voice," and by interests.
-I am inspired by the creativity and thoughtfulness of others.
-It makes me laugh.
-It makes me cry.
-It is a wonderful ministry/communication tool. How else can you alert so many instantly?
-It is magic. Whenever I say I need something, one of my FB friends almost always has it--whether it be advice or material goods. I love to do the same for my friends. People are so good at sharing when they know there's a need.

People can whine about Facebook all they want, and talk about how it is replacing REAL face-to-face time. I daresay if you are having problems managing your life on Facebook you are having similar issues in real life. My advice? Don't use Facebook as a platform to air every little grievance and negative emotion you feel. Does that attract anyone, EVER? Likewise, who among us likes to watch people duke it out on FB? Not this girl. On the other hand, try not to make your Timeline one year-long, braggy Christmas letter either: No fun for the rest of us living on Messy Planet Earth. Spend less time worrying about your next status update and more time perusing what your friends are doing and encouraging them. That works off the computer, too.   Like

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